Vol 52, No 1-2 (2018)
Vol 52, No 1-2 (2018)
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- Category: Vol 52, No 1-2 (2018)
Authors: František Knížek, Václav Vokáč, František Hartl, Miroslav Pavlovič
Abstract: Litavkaspis rejkovicensis Fatka, Kordule et Šnajdr from the Příbram-Jince Basin has been known to occur in a roughly 30 m thick eponymous Taxon-range Zone situated in the lower parts of the Jince Formation (Cambrian, Drumian), within the Eccaparadoxides pusillus Interval Zone. A unique finding of a cranidium of Litavkaspis sp. at the locality Jince-Vystrkov, described in this report, comes from the middle parts of the Paradoxides gracilis Taxon-range Zone, lying roughly 250 m higher than the hitherto known biostratigraphically youngest occurrence of the index taxon. Specimens of Dawsonia bohemica (Šnajdr) from the Jince Formation have been collected exclusively in about 1 m thick deposits of the eponymous Taxon-range Zone situated stratigraphically at the base of the Onymagnostus hybridus Interval Zone. The findings of Dawsonia cf. bohemica presented herein come from the localities Rejkovice – Potůček in the Litavkaspis rejkovicensis Taxon-range Zone, and Rejkovice – Ve žlutých in the Acadolenus snajdri Interval Zone. Their stratigraphic positions are therefore 30–50 m lower than the typical occurrence of Dawsonia bohemica (Šnajdr) in the eponymous Taxon-range Zone.
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- Category: Vol 52, No 1-2 (2018)
Authors: Michal Mergl
Abstract: Lingulate brachiopods are described from a lithic sandstone referred to the upper part of the Třenice Formation. Loose blocks were sampled from a dump of abandoned Gabriela Mine in Krušná Hora Hill near Beroun, Central Bohemia. Apart of the Acrotreta aff. grandis Klouček, 1919, genera Teneobolus, Rosobolus, Broeggeria, Rowellella and Siphonobolus are distinguished. Comments to their ontogeny, affinity, stratigraphical and spatial occurrences and taphonomy are discussed.